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Distractions of Life: Money, Health, and Spiritual Focus

Writer's picture: Matthew OchoaMatthew Ochoa

Have you ever noticed that the enemy doesn’t usually use big hardships or tragedies to throw you off course? Instead, he uses small things in life that most people don’t often pay attention to. I believe that some of the biggest tools the enemy uses, in the most subtle way possible, to distract us and separate us from God's life are money and health.

dog getting distracted


I used to have a tendency to focus all my attention on work. I would immerse myself in hustling and doing everything I could to make as much money as possible. I noticed that when I fell into that trap, I neglected my family, friends, and loved ones, and I didn't make time for God. Work was the only thing on my mind.

I know some readers might be thinking, "What's wrong with providing for my family?" There is absolutely nothing wrong with being the provider of the house. But you've gone too far when you put work on a pedestal and fail to make room for what matters the most. Look at what the Psalmist said in Psalm 35:27,

“[The Lord] has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant”

New King James Version (brackets added)

God takes pleasure in seeing His children prosper, but He wants us to trust Him for our provision and enjoy life. If you're working fifty hours a week or more, that's likely not God's plan for you. If you have a family, kids, and friends who care for you, God wants you to spend time with them, but before that, He wants you to spend time with Him. Many people have no time or energy left for the Lord and their families at the end of the day. This isn't what God wants for us. He isn't angry with you, and you're not necessarily sinning, but it's not what God desires for your life. Consider this proverb from the richest man who ever lived and will ever live,

“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it”

Proverbs 10:22

Trusting in God’s provision can lead to prosperity without the associated sorrow and guilt. When I started relying on God for my provision, I stopped worrying about having multiple jobs to make a living. Before Stephanie and I got married, I was only working part-time without a full-time job lined up. However, because I trusted in the Lord and followed His guidance, I didn't fall into the trap of becoming too busy. Sure enough, the Lord was faithful and provided me with a full-time job that didn’t take up all my time and paid a livable income.

God is faithful, but the enemy will try to distract and keep you busy to draw you away from fellowship with God and your loved ones. I'm not suggesting that anyone should quit their job to spend time with God and family. The scriptures say that if you don’t work, you don’t eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10), so you need to work and not be lazy. All I am saying is that we must find a balance between working and relying on God, or else Satan will drive a wedge between us, God, and the people in our lives.


The enemy also tries to distract us in the area of our health. Our physical body is the only thing we are constantly in a relationship with, so we often notice when a part of our body is hurting or if we’re feeling great every morning. Most likely, we are either taking good care of our body by exercising and eating well or mistreating it by being inactive and eating unhealthy food. The enemy is aware of this and tries to make us sick or undermine our health in order to distract us.

When I was in Bible college, I encountered many books with incorrect understandings of God. One of the books, written by a university professor, tried to dissuade people from believing that God always intends for us to be healed. The professor didn’t use any scripture to back up his claim but relied on his own experience. I always advocate not letting personal experience dictate the interpretation of the Bible.

The professor shared a story about a woman in his church who believed God would heal her son, but unfortunately, her son passed away. This experience led the professor to stop preaching about God's will to heal. In my opinion, the professor allowed his heart to be deceived by the enemy, leading him to believe that God doesn't desire our healing.

Listen to the words of Jesus:

“And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended”

Mark 4:16-17

Jesus tells us exactly why affliction and persecution come: it is for the sake of the Word. It's possible that the pastor experienced affliction and persecution and allowed the enemy to cause him to distrust and desert his faith. The word "offended" means to cause a person to begin to distrust and desert one whom he ought to trust and obey (Thayer’s).

When everything in life is going well, but suddenly something in a person’s body doesn’t feel right, most people run to the doctor before checking what the Word says. Fearing the worst outcome, they often do a self-diagnosis by searching their symptoms online. Satan has distracted them from their life and health!

People often become so focused on their symptoms that they forget about their faith. I once heard of someone who knew more about their medical issue than their doctor did! People can be so consumed by their health problems that they lose sight of their purpose.

If I can leave you with this, I believe it will greatly impact your life. If you can learn to rely on God for your physical well-being and prosperity, everything else will fall into place. Here’s why: Money is not the most important thing (Luke 16:10). If you can trust Him with the least important aspect of life, you can trust Him with the most important. Additionally, God promises us a long and healthy life (Psalm 91:16). If you can believe in His Word for your physical well-being, which is more crucial than any amount of money, you can trust His Word for impossible situations.

The enemy’s goal is not to make you poor or sick; it’s to steer you off course. If you can be rooted and grounded in these beliefs, I believe you will be able to withstand even more difficulties in life.

Live in the victory.

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